Saturday, May 2, 2009

You have to do what you love

You really have to do what you love if you're going to be doing it for the rest of your life.
One thing that really gets me is when people complain about their job.
There is no one holding you there, you have the free choice to make a change if you hate it that much.
I started my work life in construction. I just could not do it for the rest of my life, bad back, etc....
I knew that I loved dealing with people, I am a natural born talker, a nice way to say I never shut up I guess.
I needed to make a change. I didn't ask anyone to change anything for me. I knew I wanted in the corporate would, but who would give me a shot.
I took a job for $200.00 a week, far less than I had been making, and seeing that it was the same year I got married, a big risk.
No risk, no reward!!!!!!
Well after a few years of struggling it started to turn my way, and life was getting a bit easier, but free time was getting less and less.
OK so now I was in the business world, but I needed to take control.
I started looking for business I could run, perhaps starting in my spare time. Let me tell you there are a lot of them out there. Choose carefully, whatever you do Choose carefully.
  • First what is it you are looking for in a business, and to get from the business. - Most people answer financial freedom. (I did).
  • Maybe you want a sense of fulfillment from what you do, that always seems to make it all worth while. (I knew it would for me)
This is what I found after my search. a company where I could use my own services to set my life on a path to financial security, and well being, and be able to share those services with others, and make a living doing that well,  I found the company that  meets my goals of financial freedom, and fulfillment in helping others.

If only I had someone to point me in the direction, show me how they did it and give me the tools to duplicate the effort step by step. Well, you guessed it, I found that too, boy am I resourceful.
Well in duplicating the effort, I am sharing this with everyone I know, everyone I meet, and if you like with you as well.
You can check it out here

It is a blessing doing what you love, but my point is you need to take the first step, take the risk.
Even if it feels like a step back (think about it, when you get ready to take a giant leap, don't you take a step back for momentum?)

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