Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Leads - The Brick and Mortar to your Business

It is safe to say that is you are in the marketing business, or any business for that matter, you realize rule # 1, Leads are the brick and mortar to building your business.
Every shop owner realizes that you cannot make a sale unless someone walks into your shop.
Well if you are an internet marketer, the World WidE Web is your shop. How is it you are going to get people to "walk in"?

There are many approaches to this, but it depends on a simple question you have to ask yourself, then you will know what strategy to employ.
Do I have money?

If you have money, then you can follow the routes that the "big players" follow, maybe not so big at first, but you should not blow your budget until you hone your skills anyway.
There are many options here,
  • PPC (pay per click) advertising that appears on search engines
  • Banner ads
  • Buying leads (scary unless you know the lead source)
  • Post cards - direct mail
  • Pop up - Pop under advertising
  • Hiring skilled professionals to assist in advertising services
If you do not have any money, well then you can employ many Web 2.0 aspects to your marketing campaign
  • Social Media
  • Article Writing
  • Press Releases
  • Classified Ads
  • Blogging
  • Videos
If your on a tight budget, you can generate quality leads

There are so many ways to go about it you may overwhelm yourself. You need to pick one, learn it well, and when you know it, and are comfortable that the traffic you are generating is quality, ad another to it.
Remember generating the traffic is only a small part of the equation. Everyone that sets out to generate traffic usually does, but do they generate the right traffic? That's the question. That is where "mastering" the techniques comes into play, learning how to target your audience, separate the truly interested from the tire kickers.

I help my team all the time with suggestions on how to go about these types of marketing strategies.
I guess if you are entering Direct/Network Marketing, you had better choose a business wisely.
You want someone that can coach you effectively, and not be scared to share some of what they know to get you going. There is so much involve in marketing that it is a huge undertaking even with help, it can be a costly proposition to learn unassisted.

The best Marketing systems out there will come with everything you need to market, landing pages, ad examples, banners training etc., but will the sponsor be there to assist you?
This is the key factor that will make the difference in the success you see, especially when you are still learning and getting your business running.

If your looking to learn, looking for a marketing business that is complete, and a sponsor that will be there every step of the way, take a look, my info is there leave me yours and I will contact you, or once you do you will then have mine, you can contact me. 
Either way I will gladly share My Income Solution with you

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Internet Marketing Made Easy

Many people I encounter that are looking to start their own business look to some kind of either network or direct marketing opportunity.
I am about to go on a tear because I think I have the best way to make it all a breeze for people that really want to do this. I don't want this to sound like a pitch, but how do you brag about something without it sounding like one?
There are so many of them out there that it is mind boggling.
The on that I chose is Wealth Masters International. 
This is what they offer as far as opportunity goes:
  • World Class Financial Services
  • No Inventory-Low Start Up Costs
  • Multiple Streams of Income
  • Huge Market Potential
  • No Chasing Friends and Family
  • Residual Income
  • No Employees
  • Portable/Flexible Business
  • Ongoing Support and Training
  • Your Own Consultant Mentor

  • All Great reasons to get involved, and the reason that I chose to start my business with them, but the point here is once you choose Wealth Masters International, where do they start as far as marketing their business.

    If you are like me, you really don't want to pitch every friend and family member you have, and even if you do, that is simply a finite number. When your done with that strategy, then what?

    You really need to lay out a successful marketing plan that will achieve your goals, and as quickly as possible.
    One option is to use a templated marketing system. One that can have you up and running, and marketing your business in about an hour or two (quicker with the right mentor (namely me).

    I use My Ultimate Wealth System, and the reason to me was clear the moment I saw what it had to offer.

    The whole package is built and ready to roll. Web pages to use, lead capture system, automated follow up, and a few other items that will assist you in you marketing efforts.
    It takes you down the road to becoming a master marketer, it gives you all the tools you need to get there.

    There are training modules to keep you moving forward and answer question, and make suggestions, but the real reason this system stands out is the people.

    The ongoing support is second to none from what I have seen in this industry.
    The users of this system are always willing to help, and I mean right up through the founding members to the two industry leaders that started it all. They will all work with you to get you to where they are from where you are, something not readily found in this business.
    You honestly realize that this is about you making it, not them making more off your back.

    So if you are wondering what to sell and how to sell it, I have got what I feel is the best solution on line to get you to your goal, and get you submerged in the world of internet marketing.

    As a founding member of  My Ultimate Wealth System I am personally committed to spending time with each member of my team to insure every opportunity for success, showing them exactly what I do and how I do it.
    I will even let you try this system for free for 7 days when you decide that Wealth Masters International is the business for you. I am that confident in the ability of the system to get you going and make internet marketing simple , and quite frankly a lot of fun.

    If you want to take a look, follow this page to the info, it is all there, the products the prices, the compensation plan, and all of my info so you can contact me with questions.

    Saturday, May 2, 2009

    You have to do what you love

    You really have to do what you love if you're going to be doing it for the rest of your life.
    One thing that really gets me is when people complain about their job.
    There is no one holding you there, you have the free choice to make a change if you hate it that much.
    I started my work life in construction. I just could not do it for the rest of my life, bad back, etc....
    I knew that I loved dealing with people, I am a natural born talker, a nice way to say I never shut up I guess.
    I needed to make a change. I didn't ask anyone to change anything for me. I knew I wanted in the corporate would, but who would give me a shot.
    I took a job for $200.00 a week, far less than I had been making, and seeing that it was the same year I got married, a big risk.
    No risk, no reward!!!!!!
    Well after a few years of struggling it started to turn my way, and life was getting a bit easier, but free time was getting less and less.
    OK so now I was in the business world, but I needed to take control.
    I started looking for business I could run, perhaps starting in my spare time. Let me tell you there are a lot of them out there. Choose carefully, whatever you do Choose carefully.
    • First what is it you are looking for in a business, and to get from the business. - Most people answer financial freedom. (I did).
    • Maybe you want a sense of fulfillment from what you do, that always seems to make it all worth while. (I knew it would for me)
    This is what I found after my search. a company where I could use my own services to set my life on a path to financial security, and well being, and be able to share those services with others, and make a living doing that well,  I found the company that  meets my goals of financial freedom, and fulfillment in helping others.

    If only I had someone to point me in the direction, show me how they did it and give me the tools to duplicate the effort step by step. Well, you guessed it, I found that too, boy am I resourceful.
    Well in duplicating the effort, I am sharing this with everyone I know, everyone I meet, and if you like with you as well.
    You can check it out here

    It is a blessing doing what you love, but my point is you need to take the first step, take the risk.
    Even if it feels like a step back (think about it, when you get ready to take a giant leap, don't you take a step back for momentum?)

    Friday, May 1, 2009

    A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step

    If you have ever heard anyone tell you they will start tomorrow, run the other way, they are never going to start.

    I will start my diet next week, quit smoking tomorrow, make a new years resolution.

    Blah, Blah, Blah.

    These are nothing but excuses to allow themselves to not take action.

    Winners take action, they don't just think about taking action.

    Now don't get me wrong winners think, they probably never stop thinking, but what separates them, is they take action on those thoughts and ideas.


    I am so tired of people that tell me where they are going to be someday, or who they are going to be someday, but is is all to apparent that they are not doing anything to move closer to the goal.  

    Remember only action will get reaction.

    You cannot get any results by sitting there and hoping and dreaming. You need to take action to get to the goal, step by step, day by day, and you CAN do it.

    There is nothing separating you from the most successful people other than they are trying, taking the risks, taking the action and achieving the results. 

    So, in short, no goal is to great to achieve with the right plan and course of action. 

    Make the plan and achieve the goals

    My Income Solution

    Preparation and Opportunity

    There is really no such thing as luck. Thats right I said it for those of you that ever called someone else's good fortune luck.

    Lets think about it.

    There is opportunity colliding with preparation...for those that are not prepared, this may appear to be "luck" 

    Keep in mind that my main focus here is business, not a spin of the wheel or a pick of the number. 

    With business you have some degree of control as to your fate. and if you spend any amount of time in preparation of your goals for success, as you should, then when the opportunity for overwhelming success arrives, BAM! Success. 

    Now if you are involved in the pursuit of your dreams, and I say involved, because I see many people get involved in MLM, network marketing, direct sales etc.. and sit back and wait. These are the folks that tend to call the successful lucky. It happens to others but not them, so it must be the system they use, or the product they are selling...Hah!! 

    I have sold phone services door to door, I have sold kitchen cabinets, I have sold financial products, I have sold consulting services, and the list goes on, and I have been successful throughout. Sometimes it was money other times it was knowledge, but remember it was all part of the preparation barreling forward toward MY opportunity. 

    The key is to set goals. Write them down (when something is written it becomes real) 

    Remember you cannot get to where you are going unless you know the directions and follow them 

    Prioritize those goals on a daily basis, and make sure that you check off at least on a day. It doesn't matter how big or how small, celebrate the achievement, and remember to celebrate each one.. 

    Learn your products. Inevitably questions will arise. Would you buy from someone that didn't know what it was they were selling? 

    Position yourself as a leader (remember only the lead sled dog has a really great view) 

    Surround yourself with like minded people, those that have achieved their goals and those that are on their way. Avoid the "nay sayers" they are never going to be here (in a position of success) they want to keep you where they are because they are to afraid to makes the moves to change their lives. 

    Remember knowledge is power, learn your craft inside and out, because the opportunity will present itself, and if your ready, then the sky is the limit. 

    Here is how I do it every day, Part of my greatest satisfaction is showing other how I do it, and helping them get there. Success is way more gratifying when you share. 

    Take a look inside, and I will lay out the facts. I have nothing to hide 

    My Income Solution

    Another Day In Paradise

    If this is not how you see your life then there is something wrong.

    I mean we can all make choices...right?

    Well if we can, then we can always choose another road, perhaps one that will lead us where we really want to go.

    It is never too late to make the change; The change that will forever alter you life for the positive.

    People often ask me why it is I am always happy?

    The reason is not that I am oblivious, I can tell you that. The real reason is that I choose to be this way. One thing that I hate is when people say they "woke up on the wrong side of the bed". The side of the bed you wake up on is your choice.

    When I wake up in the morning, I tell myself that NOTHING will ruin my day. I simply choose to be happy.

    You must remember that there are no "problems", only opportunities for you to come up with solutions, and if you really apply yourself, there is always a solution.

    I want a better job, I want a better house, I want more money, I want more free time. These are statements that really don't get you anywhere, do they?

    How about; I am going to get a better job, I will get a better house, I will earn more money, I will create more free time; challenge yourself to the solution, call yourself to action...starting to get it?

    Just my beliefs thats all.

    Chris Levin

    Founding Member

    My Ultimate Wealth System

    My Income Solution

    To begin...a little about me.
    Grew up in a "blue collar" neighborhood in "The Bronx" NY
    I was taught at an early age, if you want something, then you have to work for it.
    I am a high school graduate. I tried college, but I was working all day, and going to school at night, so I chose to just keep on working.
    I had dreams, and I worked my tail off over the years, trying this, trying that, until I realized, I needed to focus on what was making me happy.
    I pushed forward with a career in the corporate world, and made a pretty nice living for myself.
    The only thing I didn't have was time! What is the point of doing all of this for my family if I cannot share it with them?
    Then blam! my company was sold, the economy tanked, all of a sudden wow things were changing.
    I always knew that I needed to be the one to control my own destiny, and I was trying, but now was time to kick it in to full force which lead me to
    I am in control, and I am helping others gain control as well. Success is no fun alone, and it is more satisfying when you pay it forward. Helping others get there is as fun as getting there yourself, but some how it is more rewarding.
    With this blog, hopefully I can show some people the path that lead me here, the steps I have taken, and what I have learned, and when they join me on this journey, they too will know the satisfaction of sharing that with others. 
    Thanks for reading, and I hope you follow along daily, and grow with me, share the sites and lessons on the way. 

    Chris Levin
    Visit if you like and join me