Friday, May 1, 2009

My Income Solution

To begin...a little about me.
Grew up in a "blue collar" neighborhood in "The Bronx" NY
I was taught at an early age, if you want something, then you have to work for it.
I am a high school graduate. I tried college, but I was working all day, and going to school at night, so I chose to just keep on working.
I had dreams, and I worked my tail off over the years, trying this, trying that, until I realized, I needed to focus on what was making me happy.
I pushed forward with a career in the corporate world, and made a pretty nice living for myself.
The only thing I didn't have was time! What is the point of doing all of this for my family if I cannot share it with them?
Then blam! my company was sold, the economy tanked, all of a sudden wow things were changing.
I always knew that I needed to be the one to control my own destiny, and I was trying, but now was time to kick it in to full force which lead me to
I am in control, and I am helping others gain control as well. Success is no fun alone, and it is more satisfying when you pay it forward. Helping others get there is as fun as getting there yourself, but some how it is more rewarding.
With this blog, hopefully I can show some people the path that lead me here, the steps I have taken, and what I have learned, and when they join me on this journey, they too will know the satisfaction of sharing that with others. 
Thanks for reading, and I hope you follow along daily, and grow with me, share the sites and lessons on the way. 

Chris Levin
Visit if you like and join me

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