Friday, May 1, 2009

Another Day In Paradise

If this is not how you see your life then there is something wrong.

I mean we can all make choices...right?

Well if we can, then we can always choose another road, perhaps one that will lead us where we really want to go.

It is never too late to make the change; The change that will forever alter you life for the positive.

People often ask me why it is I am always happy?

The reason is not that I am oblivious, I can tell you that. The real reason is that I choose to be this way. One thing that I hate is when people say they "woke up on the wrong side of the bed". The side of the bed you wake up on is your choice.

When I wake up in the morning, I tell myself that NOTHING will ruin my day. I simply choose to be happy.

You must remember that there are no "problems", only opportunities for you to come up with solutions, and if you really apply yourself, there is always a solution.

I want a better job, I want a better house, I want more money, I want more free time. These are statements that really don't get you anywhere, do they?

How about; I am going to get a better job, I will get a better house, I will earn more money, I will create more free time; challenge yourself to the solution, call yourself to action...starting to get it?

Just my beliefs thats all.

Chris Levin

Founding Member

My Ultimate Wealth System

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